Stop enduring chronic pain.
Get back to living.

Change your life with Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Your life can and will be pain free again

Chronic pain has left you feeling frustrated, discouraged, helpless, depressed, and angry. 

You question whether you will ever be free of pain again.

You are successful and driven, achieving everything you put your mind to, yet pain has you beat.

The more you struggle to conquer your pain, the more power and dominion it has exerted over your life. 

It’s not your willpower that has blocked your progress, your nervous system has gotten stuck in a learned pain state. The key is to teach your nervous system it isn’t in danger.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy reverses your nervous system back to its pain-free state.

Reclaim your life from pain with Pain Reprocessing Therapy.

Is Pain Reprocessing Therapy right for you?

Do you still have pain even after multiple healthcare treatments?

Have you worked hard to overcome pain but it seems to have worsened?

Have you been told you will just have to live with your pain?

If you said YES to any of these questions, Pain Reprocessing Therapy may be right for you. 

Complete the assessment below to receive a personalized response about your pain.

Why I Do This...

My life fell apart when an injury left me in debilitating pain, devastating my life, hopes, and dreams.

As a physical therapist I had tried everything I was trained to do. When this failed, I sought help elsewhere and received multiple healthcare treatments including a spinal injection, but nothing helped.

At this lowest point I finally decided to study pain neuroscience and experiment with practices designed to calm my nervous system. I re-trained my nervous system, eliminated my pain, and started living again.

I can help you live without chronic pain.